Personal Loss

We had a pretty significant death in the family- my Aunt and Godmother: Betty Reynolds. I wish everyone could have had an Aunt Betty. She made you feel as though you were the most important and interesting person that she had ever met. She told wonderful stories. She was generous and patient and talented and had the best sense of humor. She fought for you and she bragged about you to everyone she talked to. 

She had been battling ovarian cancer for 6 years. Since she and my Uncle lived in Philly, I had been spending as much time as I could with them over the last 2 years... sometimes weekly and lots of sleepovers! It was always such a great time! We shopped, made art, binged tv shows, had lovely meals, and so many heart to hearts. She had become one of my best friends. I'm devastated and so is the whole family.

She authored and illustrated several books- mostly about her time in Japan.

It hasn't even been a month, and it's hard to believe that I cannot just call her to ask to come hang out. 

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