About the Arcane Bunny Society
The largest part of bunny identity revolves around the world of plants. It is our passion to push as far as possible into what plants can do and provide; what they can soothe, feed, or cure and how they can be integrated into every aspect of life.
The baby and young bunnies spend their days together in groups, learning and playing under the guidance of the Educators. The character traits that are heavily motivated are calmness, patience, integrity, cooperation, creativity, helpfulness, wisdom, and a strong sense of duty. Even before they are able to read and write, young bunnies begin their Caretaker training. They each have their own plot in the school garden and are assisted as they tend to it. Bunnies learn how to farm and harvest responsibly.
As soon as they can, young bunnies begin to learn all of the collected plant knowledge from the vaults of the Reliquary of Wisdom. This is a vast amount of information and includes medicinal, practical, and recreational properties. All bunnies are trained in high levels of herbalism and topics surrounding running their households. There are no time or age limits surrounding schooling; bunnies move through their lessons and mastery at their own pace. All bunnies receive the title of Caretaker after they have completed their schooling.
Many bunnies happily remain Caretakers because they see no reason not to continue. A Caretaker (even if only of their private gardens) is as much esteemed in bunny life as any other occupation. Though all bunnies are trained as Caretakers, only bunnies who do not later apprentice into another department retain that title.
The Department of Plant Transmutation uses plants in more complex ways. This department is further broken up into the sub-departments (also known as “Fluffles”) of Architects, Cuisinists, Weavers, Paperists, and Alchemists.
As can be guessed, the Architects apply plants to building homes, structures, and furniture. The Cuisinists apply plants to more efficient and enjoyable nutrition. Weavers apply plants to the realm of cloth and create clothing, bags, robes, and blankets. Paperists make all of the paper items required by the entire warren. Alchemists transform plants into complex new items that can provide medicinal or recreational uses. Their focus includes soap, skincare, furcare, and specialty fragrance blends.
Not all bunnies ultimately choose to work with plants. These occupations fall under the Department of Plant Support and its sub-departments (Fluffles) include Metallurgists, Glassers, Entomculturists, Ephemerists, and Educators.
Metallurgists work with metal and stone. Glassers create and work with glass. Entomculturists breed and raise helpful insects. Ephemerists are a specialized team that retrieves human emphemera, which all bunnies seem to have a perverse passion for. Educators care for and teach the young.
Though bunnies need not choose just one profession, each Fluffle requires a lengthy apprenticeship before that bunny may officially practice that occupation.
Some bunnies are selected to enter one of the religious orders. This is not something a bunny can work towards specifically; no one aside from the Elders knows how or why a bunny is selected! When a bunny is selected to begin the rigors of training and education for a Sacred Order, their title becomes Acolyte.
There are at least 5 Acolytes at a time, and sometimes more. The Sacred Orders are limited to 5 members each, and Acolytes are prepared to step into a vacancy should it arrive. Acolytes typically display a leaning towards one order or another during their training. There used to be only 3 Acolytes at a time, but the catastrophic flooding of the Goodwill Grotto in 1399 forced the minimum to be increased to 5.
The 5 Sacred Orders include the Agency of Sun, the Bureau of Rain, the Reliquary of Wisdom, the Sanctum of Inspiration, and the Necrarbor of Spirit. Each Order is comprised of 5 members; the most aged among them is titled Elder and is their leader.
Though each Sacred Order has ceremonial and ritualistic duties connected with their holidays and Original Caretaker, they also each have practical every-day duties, as well. The Agency of Sun is responsible for the defensive magic that keeps the Arcane Bunny Society safely concealed and protected. The Bureau of Rain are mediators, specialized healers, and the rare emissaries to the outside world. The Reliquary of Wisdom manages and preserves the great vault of all collected bunny knowledge, history, and lore. The Sanctum of Inspiration consults the Lichen of Illumination within the Cave of Vision to provide innovative and clever solutions. The Necrarbor of Spirit is responsible for Death Rite administration and they act as both gatekeepers to the Ancient Cypress as well as custodians of the vast sepulcher beneath.
The Elder from each Sacred Order together form the Council of Elders. They preside over all high-level warren consideration and decisions.
Though it may seem as though bunnies should have a Sacred Order devoted to the worship of plants- we do not. Plants are revered and respected, but plants are a divinity that belongs to and may be wielded by all.
Tradition, gratitude, and community play a very large role in bunny life. During each new moon, we hold our monthly warren meeting. It is an evening of news, updates, presentations, and concerns from the Elders all the way down to the youngest bunny among us. If issues can be solved right there and then we try to do so... otherwise a committee is appointed to tackle the task promptly.
After the meeting concludes, an Elder reads from one of the ancient texts of the Arcane Codex and applies it to current day issues and events to educate, inspire, and comfort the listeners. When the reading is complete, the Arcane Codex is put away and the warren social begins! There is music, dancing, food, and drink. Though the social sometimes continues well into dawn, eventually the merrymaking subsides into a day of quiet reflection and gratitude.
Life within the Arcane Bunny Society is organized, peaceful, and happy. Of course we all have our troubles, but we lean on one another for support and no bunny is left behind.